Martes, Agosto 23, 2011

One Hundred Children Lose Their Sight Every Week in the Philippines


Upon analyzing this situation that many children lose their sights every week due of malnutrition, measles, and premature birth was a very sad situation. Looking to myself, I am very blessed that the parts of my body are complete and very healthy. Unlike to those disabled persons especially to the children. The children who cannot walk, cannot hear, cannot talk, cannot see and etc.. Deep down in their hearts, i know they were asking why they are like that. 

I experienced one time, when i was riding in a jeep there are many children riding a jeep that are blind. First i was shocked. I was amazed, wondering about them.. That moment, i was staring at them and i found out that even though they are blind children, they still act as a normal children. I see the smile on their face, the happiness,  and the laughter that i heard. All are positive side. No negative. You cannot see the loneliness, sadness, pithiness. As in NONE. That's why i was amazed of them. And I can say, they are strong children despite of their problems to their sights.

Here in the Philippines atleast we have an orphanage for this fellow children. Even though they are different to the normal ones, still we give importance to them. And the department of education give them a special treatment for they can learn.

One Hundred Children Lose Their Sight Every Week in the Philippines


Hidden among the 85 million people and the 7100 islands of the Philippines, are an estimated half a million people who are blind, and many more who are visually impaired to a lesser degree.

By far, the leading cause of blindness among adults in the Philippines is cataract, accounting for around 400,000 cases. The treatment for cataract is simple and effective but is not readily available or affordable for those living in the rural areas.

Perhaps up to one hundred children lose their sight every week in the Philippines. Almost half of these cases are either treatable or preventable. Poor nutrition, measles, and premature birth are among the leading causes of preventable blindness in children. Early detection and treatment are the keys to saving the sight of these children.

Executive Summary of the Second National Survey of Blindness, Philippines, 1995

The second national survey of blindness was conducted from April 1994 to June 1995. It covered 76 provinces and 17 municipalities in Metro Manila represented by a total of 155 barangays or villages. A total of 19,449 persons consisting of 46% males and 54% females were examined.

The survey showed that the prevalence of bilateral blindness in Filipinos is 0.70% meaning 478,968 out of 68.4 million Filipinos are blind by WHO definition of inability to count fingers at 3 meters. This represents only a decrease by 35% from the 642,000 estimated blind during the first national survey in 1987 when the prevalence rate was 1.07% in a population of 60 million. Cataract (77% of blind), glaucoma and uncorrected aphakia were the most common causes of blindness found during this second national survey.

Bilateral blindness is a serious problem in the country, but the other visual disability problems are no less important. Bilateral low vision, with a prevalence rate of 1.95%, affects more than 1.3 million Filipinos. This is mostly due to cataract. In less than 5 years, these people will likely become blind, further increasing the present 400,000 cataract backlog.

Monocular blindness affects 1.09% of the population (700,000 Filipinos). Cataract is the most common cause. In addition, eye diseases traceable to industrialization are significantly causing a lot of monocular blindness.

Within eight years from the first survey, the Prevention of Blindness Program of the Department of Health was launched, the biggest component of which is the cataract backlog eradication program. A Cataract Backlog Project (Oplan Sagip Mata) has been on-going for the past two years. The goal of a national prevalence rate of 0.5% or less by year 2000 seems attainable in spite of the huge cataract backlog if efforts towards its eradication are strengthened.

The following recommendations are being made: efficient and effective coordination of eye care services through a national prevention of blindness committee; a good referral network; empowerment of local governments to deal with the cataract backlog in their own areas; incorporation of eye care education in school curricula; intensive information campaign against blindness and on eye health; and a national registry of the blind as an evaluation tool.

Lunes, Hulyo 4, 2011

Flood hits Davao City anew


The unexpected flood that causes a millions of damages happened in Davao City especially in the part of Matina Pangi and Bangkal last June 28, 2011  made the people felt traumatize because most of the people didn't expected that the flood will get higher and reached almost at their roofs.

Because of the flood happened and the continuous raining in the country, i heard some of my friends saying that the 2012 "End of the World" is coming. And they believe that this are the signs because in the other countries they also experiencing some of the tragedies happened in our country, even more worse to them. 

Though i believe a  little bit about that so called "End of the World", but for me it is us who made it. It's because of us why we experiencing this Global Warming in the world.  We didn't took care of our resources that's why we experiencing difficulties in our life's not only our life, but the society also was affected on this. That's why there is poverty around the society, around the country. Poverty that was experienced by a lot of people around the country. Poverty that cannot been solved. So, when there is some calamities happened in the country, the poor people will always in sorrow. The poor was always the number 1 affected by the calamities. That's why "The Poor gets Poorer".

Though there is some moments like this, I always appreciated the efforts and the helps of the Filipinos who are still helping the poor. Not only the poor but also to those who are affected by the calamities. Like what happened here in Davao. Many Dabawenyos helped their co-dabawenyos who were affected by the flood. And also to my  "kapwa" Ateneans who donates some of clothes, foods, and a sum of money. 

1st Reaction Paper in Economics : Flood hits Davao City anew

1st Page

MANILA, Philippines – Several areas previously affected by flashflood in Davao City were submerged in waters again Sunday.

Residents of Bangkal, Matina Pangi and Talomo, Davao City immediately evacuated their houses at around 10 p.m. when knee-high waters submerged their area in just 15 minutes.

Rescue teams deployed in the area assisted the residents in their evacuation. Davao City Rescue 911 provided ropes to support Matina Pangi residents wading through the flood waters.

The rising water in the river in Bangkal prompted residents to evacuate their houses for fear of another flashflood. The local church served as the evacuation center for the affected residents.

In Talomo, residents did not wait for flood waters to rise for them to evacuate their houses.
Carrying their respective belongings, they stayed along the highway while waiting for the situation to get better.

Meanwhile, a bridge in Alcantara Calinan was damaged by the ravaging flood waters.
The flood waters subsided around 1 am. No casualties were reported. – report from Francis Magbanua, ABS-CBN News Southern Mindanao


Biyernes, Hulyo 1, 2011

Being Single doesn't mean your such a LOSER ! :)

There are so many myths about being single all over the internet and elsewhere that many tend to think that being single means being lonely, depressed or being a failure. But it is not so. In fact there are a lot of benefits or advantages of being single including freedom from responsibilities, lack of stress that come with relationships, goes everywhere you like without asking permission to someone, and etc. 
Being single may give you more time for hobbies, education and career, travels and relaxation, being with friends and family etc. ALLRIGHT! :)))))))

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